MVAS - Seminars
In Germany exists an extensive body of rules and guidelines on the subject of construction site safety. Above all, the RSA (German guidelines for safeguarging of work zones in traffic) and the ZTV-SA (additional technical terms and guidelines for securing of construction sites) contain the most important regulations for the correct securing of work zones in traffic.
The regulations must be put into practice on the construction site. Infringements can result in severe fines and claims for damages. To prevent this from happening, the German Federal Ministry of Transport has published the "Merkblatt über Rahmenbedingungen für erfolgreiche Fachkenntnisse zur Verkehrsabsicherung von Arbeitsstellen an Straßen", MVAS for short. This specialist knowledge can be acquired and certified by attending an MVAS seminar.
Our long-time colleague, Mr. Mike Blechschmidt offers these MVAS seminars in Germany!
The participants will receive a certificate of participation in the MVAS training after the training.

- Risk construction site
- Abbreviations and explanations
- Legal basics and innovations ASR 5.2 and outlook new RSA
- Who is responsible
- Obligations of the building contractor
- RSA directive for securing work sites on roads
- How does inadequate safeguarding come about
- Costs and consequences of incorrect safeguarding
- Worzone of shorter/longer - Regulation schedules
- Traffic signs
- Warning posts
- Hedges, delineators & co.
- Maintenance and control
- Warning clothing
- Warning markings on vehicles
- LSA/Markings
- 13.01.2022 - Haiger
- 25.01.2022 - Langenselbold (bei Hanau)
- 27.01.2022 - Haiger
- 02.02.2022 - Mühlhausen (Thüringen)
- 09.02.2022 - Kassel
- 10.02.2022 - Kassel
- 16.02.2022 - Kempten
- 17.02.2022 - Neu-Ulm
- 22.02.2022 - Langenselbold (bei Hanau)
- 24.02.2022 - Haiger
- 03.03.2022 - Langenselbold (bei Hanau)
- 09.03.2022 - Rüsselsheim
- 10.03.2022 - Rüsselsheim
- 16.03.2022 - Brake (Unterweser)
- 17.03.2022 - Brake (Unterweser)
- 23.03.2022 - Ulm
- 24.03.2022 - Ulm
- 31.03.2022 - Haiger
- 06.04.2022 - Mühldorf / Inn
- 07.04.2022 - Obing (Oberbay.)
Note: Changes due to the Corona pandemic possible!
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