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Signalite BD2A ge Sec

  • with light bulb
  • Any insertion of the battery
  • Battery change without dismantling the light
  • Can also be operated with only one battery

Euro-Synchro E1,Akku,Ladeadap

  • Synchronisation via infrared technology
  • Switchable permanent light
  • incl. 230V charging adapter

Euro-Synchro E1,f.4 Blockbatt

  • Fast operational readiness thanks to infrared transmission system
  • Automatic synchronisation
  • High flash energy of 2 Joul
  • Stable feet

Truck-Flash-Sychro E1 Batt.

  • Fast operational readiness thanks to infrared transmission system
  • Automatic synchronisation
  • High flash energy of 2 Joul
  • Stable feet

Tele-Blitz E1 NA 4 Blockb

  • Extendable to 1 m flash height
  • Sturdy telescopic pole
  • Xenon technology
  • Extra stable extendable feet
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